Wednesday 22 February 2012

Pasta for Graphics Design nerds...

Couldn't help myself...

I'm a graphic designer...

And I like food...

Jacob Kennedy and Caz Hildebrand's cookbook "The Geometry of Pasta":

 Buy it yourself here:

I still have yet to cook a dish from it...
More to come about this when it happens...

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Shrove Tuesday

Pancake day! What better national day then Pancake day?
I had to make pancakes in some shape or form and opted for the more posh'ish version of a pancake cake. I had seen this cake in one of the many jamie oliver tv-shows - can't remember which one cause he's done so bloody many and I have probably seen them all... and I have been wanting to try it out. A stack of pancakes, it is a bit of a childhood dream.

I'm feeling too lazy so you can find the recipe here (then jamie gets some more hits to his site, one in a million):
Jamie Oliver's Pancake

So to a few hick ups... I didn't use self-raising flour which resulted in quite dense heavy pancakes, I had to add almost an extra cup of milk to make some more edible layers.
Then I would say, even though I'm a huge fan of bitter chocolate, that the chocolate and nut filling was a bit too NOT sweet for my concrete pancakes. I don't dare say it, but I think I would do half half of milk and dark. Also I would go for 200g of chocolate and not 150 - you can never get too much chocolate! Another good idea would have been to use a much smaller pan. I was going for large, it must be some craving for going to the states which made me do that. I think a pancake sized between an american breakkie pancake and a french crepe would be ideal. Well if you want the tower feeling of a cake... Hence the childhood dream!
Also don't whip the double cream too much like I did, it is so much better when it is still a bit runny. All in all not a super day for my cooking skills but it did still taste bloody good!!

Here's my Childhood Danish Pancake Hero: