Saturday 22 September 2012

Fernandez and Wells

Must go more! That's all there is to say about Fernandez and Wells in Lexington street. Wish there was many more places like this...

– Buffalo Mozarella / Parma ham / Red peppers and barrel aged feta –

Thursday 20 September 2012

Pasta a la Fridge Hunger

Bit of broccoli, some Cumberland pork chipolatas, small bit of soft goats cheese, the last bit of Parmesan, pasta water, salt, pepper, splash of oil, a basil leave or two and a bit of chopped parsley - All mixed with Spaghetti! That's what the fridge offered today.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

A snack at Retour (DK)

Best 50 kroner snack ever at Retour restaurant in Tordenskjoldsgade in Copenhagen. Was so good and filling that there was almost no space for the main and for what amounts to five British pounds we think that's a bargain!

On the plate: fois gras, duck rillette, saucisson, Parma ham, quail egg mayo, speck, salted almonds, gerkins ~ yum

Retour in Copenhagen

Tesco Madder

Fresh broad beans, potted, blanched, mashed with olive oil, garlic, chopped mint, squeeze of lemon juice, salt and pepper. Served with fresh goats cheese on toasted sourdough and a sprinkle of mint.



The secret of good porridge:
One part good oats to two parts milk ( yes only lactose intolerance is accepted if you want to make porridge with water)

Low heat ~ constant stirring ~ patience

Result = smooth creamy porridge

Serve with fruit / nuts / jam / honey / cinnamon / ...