Friday 10 June 2011

An everyday salad affair

Bean Painting: Specimens from the Luguminosae Family (2004)
Rachel Pedder-Smith, Kew

Some good notes on leaf salads (or the way we lately roll by at our place).
Any leaf goes, as long as there are three different types, pushing it as far as 30p iceberg lettuce. Two or three types of herbs is essential, parsely, coriander, dill, mint, tarragon, basil, chives; the more unusual combination, the merrier. A punch of sweet and punch of saltiness by green olives vs raisins, capers vs green peas. Roasted nuts, salted nuts, plain nuts, grated nuts, always a winning good bite. Dressings rich in extra virgin olive oil, with a punch of either tahini, french mustard, cider vinegar, red wine vinegar or lemon. Crushed garlics are beautiful things but in moderation.

For tonight, a basic one:
– 300gr mixed italian herb leaves
– 200gr baby Spinach (chopped finely)
– 50gr parsley (chopped finely)
– 30gr dill (stalks removed)
– 30 gr basil (teared leaves)
– 80gr kalamata olives (finely sliced)
– 50gr almonds (roughly chopped)
– 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
– 2 tsp tahini
– 1 tsp white wine vinegar
– Generous black pepper

To feed  7-9 people along other dishes.

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