Monday 25 July 2011

The 10 best meals in the movies

Tom and Mrs Waters get stuck in
The food-sex relationship has been worked to death over the years — but perhaps this one blunt scene in which Tom Jones (Albert Finney) and Mrs Waters (Joyce Redman) eat lustfully at each other, as a kind of gastronomic foreplay, can stand for the rest: first a chicken leg, then an oyster, finally a pear, the juice dribbling down their chins. It’s curiously unsexy but at least they seem to be having a good time

1 comment:

  1. Lady and the Tramp 1955
    Two dogs, one strand of spaghetti
    ... and immediately you are a child again, listening to that accordion music swell for the first time, watching two dogs stare into each other’s eyes, over a plate of spaghetti with meatballs. You could analyse the scene for what it says about attitudes to Italian-Americans and question the peculiar relationship between a comedy chef and a hound, but that’s missing the point. What matters is that the dogs are so absorbed they do not notice they are on the end of the same strand of spaghetti until they have drawn themselves to the inevitable kiss. Slushy, overblown. And perfect
